Is he limping? Finally I can can say no... well I won't need to hopefully as I won't hear this question again. It was lovely to hear people were concerned but I will be pleased not to keep being asked the question. It was frustrating that he limped and we could not get to the bottom of the problem, but he was still carrying on happy as anything. But now there is a new lease of life...
About 10/12 months ago Cooper seemed to be limping, quite suddenly, I cut down on walking for about a month, his limping seemed a bit better but not 100% of the time. A friend made me a turmeric and coconut oil mix. It didn't seem to help much. So that fizzled out. His on/off limping carried on for a few months and I kept him on limited walking/running, while for this period of time he seemed ok, it did seem to suddenly get worse, so to the vets we went. No full conclusion but suspicion of dysplasia. I know this is common in Labs but just did not seem right. Both of his parents had brilliant hip and elbow scores, plus the limp seemed to be triggered after a long walk that I wasn't on. It was not a gradual limp I observed, it seemed to happen overnight.
So.. trust the vet, I really do not know about animal or human health particularly other than common sense of eat well, exercise properly and enjoy life! For Coops, plenty of rest and some anti-inflammatory pills were advised. Some serious bed rest for 3 weeks seemed to make no major difference so back to the vets.
After this, another visit to the vets and no improvement - maybe worse. We Booked into have an x-ray and more anti-inflammatory, Metacam. I did not use this after the first dose. A good, highly experienced, doctor friend advised too much of this and other similar drugs could do more damage than good. As Coopers condition was at this point no better or worse, as he was generally happy, in order not to potentially cause other issues, I listened to this advice and gave Cooper PLENTY of rest and no drugs. We went and had the scan - nothing serious showed up, so at least I could discount any unhealed breaks or other damage. Apparently some darker shading indicating potential dysplasia still or maybe arthritis.
So, no full conclusion. I didn't know what to do other than carry on resting him. However I also was chatting again to the friend who previously gave me the turmeric mix. I had stopped this a little too prematurely maybe? I did not give it to Cooper for long. I decided to get Turmeric another go. For a longer period of time and consistently in his diet with a sprinkle on each meal with a touch of pepper to help absorb it. 6 weeks later this combination seemed to be working. Was it the Turmeric? Or just lots of rest? I am not 100% sure but it sure seems a big coincidence. It has now been two months and he seems happy, running around (still no ball throwing of course) and I am ever hopeful his limping has gone for good. I know I have to be careful how much turmeric he gets - it can cause indigestion, but I will keep this going in his diet. Seems good old fashioned food and you are what you eat seems to be helping.
After nearly a year with a limp, and lots of money spent at the vets (which didn't help) Cooper is in the shape of his life yet again and is no longer limping. Sadly this means no ball throwing again unless into water - which makes him beyond happy anyway, but at least he no longer limps and is full of beans. His Turmeric diet will continue as will his adventures....
To see him - please visit the sofa :)
Here is Cooper on our walk this Morning - beautiful morning and lovely view over Bourne End & Marlow with a sliver of river in the background...